Chapter 273 - Hidden Treasures

Immediately, Qin Yuzhen took out a fire piston. She first lit it up, and then entered the cave.

This cave was obviously man-made, and there was a long road inside.

Under the light of the fire piston, everything within three meters was lit up.

Qin Yuzhen walked in front, with the teenager and the little Daoist following behind her.

They walked for a while, but nothing happened.

Just then, Qin Yuzhen suddenly let out a soft cry, the youth and the young Daoist looked towards the front, and realised that there was a person's skeleton on the ground.

"AHH!" The little Daoist let out a cry of surprise.

"Don't be afraid, it's just the skeleton of a dead person. What's there to be afraid of?" The youth rubbed the little Daoist's head as he said this.

"Senior Brother, you've seen too much life and death, so you're naturally not afraid!" I started to cultivate my Dao in the mountains, and then went to the Middle Han Area to cultivate my Dao. I haven't seen many dead people, so naturally I'm afraid. " The little Daoist stuck out his tongue and said.

After hearing this, Qin Yuzhen's face revealed a surprised expression. She had long since felt that this youth was not simple. She never thought that the little Daoist would actually say that this youth was' alive after many encounters'. Wasn't he Senior Wang's disciple? Why did he meet with so many life and death situations?

All of a sudden, she was guessing what was going on, but she didn't stop. She kept going forward. The youth and the young Daoist still followed behind her.

They had already walked for a quarter of an hour and had not reached the end of the tunnel. Along the way, more and more dried up bones appeared, and the young Daoist closed his eyes, no longer daring to look around.

"These should be left behind by the creator of the Qinhuang treasure!" Qin Yuzhen suddenly said.

"Maybe." The youth nodded.

"They've been dead for over a thousand years, and have long returned to the dust. Why are they so moved?" The youth asked.

Qin Yuzhen felt that this youth was not simple. If she had not seen tens of thousands of people die, he would not have been so calm in the face of death. Even Qin Yuzhen herself found it difficult to be so indifferent.

Finally, after a few more steps, they came to a corner.

Qin Yuzhen immediately headed towards the corner, but right when she turned around, a whooshing sound came from the other side!

Before Qin Yuzhen could react, the youth had already fiercely grabbed her hand and pulled her backwards! Qin Yuzhen was suddenly pulled into the youth's embrace!

Following that, a few crossbow bolts shot out from the opposite side. When the crossbow arrows hit the stone wall, half of them actually managed to pierce through. One could only imagine how strong they were.

"Are you all right?" The young man was still holding onto Qin Yuzhen's hand, and said with a smile.

However, Qin Yuzhen's face was burning hot. She forcefully pulled her hand away from the youth's hand, turned her head, and did not look at the youth. She had grown up in the Heavenly Mountain, and had never been grabbed by a man before. Of course, she also knew that the young man was trying to save her, but even without his help, she still had the ability to dodge the arrows. For a moment, she didn't know whether that youth was deliberately grabbing her hand or really saving her.

At this moment, she was at a loss as to what to do.

"Let's keep going! I think it's better if I walk in front. " The youth said indifferently.

The young man walked at the very front, while Qin Yuzhen clenched her teeth and followed behind him. The young Daoist followed with a giggle, and looked at Qin Yuzhen with an extremely dubious gaze, which made Qin Yuzhen extremely embarrassed.

The youth carefully walked forward, but not long after, they suddenly heard a voice behind them, causing them to be stunned for a moment.

This is the location of the Qinhuang Kingdom's treasure! We two will be the first to discover this place, it seems like the treasure will belong to us! A man's voice was heard. The voice sounded very young, around twenty years old.

"I'm afraid we may not be the first ones to discover this place! "You didn't see the hole in front of us collapse. It seems that someone got there before us." The voice of another man sounded, this man's voice seemed to be somewhat calm.

"I wonder who it was that came in?" If it's Taoist Lin, Elder Wu Qing and the rest, we would naturally be helpless to do anything. If anyone else enters this cave, we will definitely kill that person. This treasure should belong to us. " The person who spoke earlier said.

"Humph!" There are too many of them, and most of them are just weapons, so what do we need them for? It's impossible for the two of us to bring out everything inside! " The voice was calm.

"We naturally only take those precious things! Wait until we take out the things inside, then we will inform the people of Emperor Jianyan, and at that time, Emperor Jianyan will definitely be grateful to us! Once Emperor Jianyan gets his hands on the world, we'll have our own benefits. " The person who spoke earlier said.

"I hope so." The voice was calm.

"However, after we obtain the treasures and leave this place, we must have a good competition!" The person who spoke earlier said again.

"Why is that?" The voice was calm.

"Humph!" Hong Tianjing, do you think I don't know you? You like the Junior Sister Qin too, you want to have her too, is that right? " The person who spoke earlier said.

"So what if I am!?" Junior Sister Qin was an outstanding disciple of the Tianshan Sect, like a fairy that had descended to the mortal world! Dao Elder Lin had already said that she was the current number one person among the younger generation of the Righteous Dao. In the future, her status in the martial arts world would definitely not be any lower than Dao Elder Lin's! There are so many people who admire her in the martial arts world, so what if I admire her? " The voice was calm.

"Humph!" Hong Tianjing, as far as I know, you have a few beauties in Jiangnan! Since that's the case, you should not provoke Junior Sister Qin. " The person who spoke earlier said.

"It's just a few mediocre fans. If they can get the Junior Sister Qin, then it's fine if they don't want them." The voice was calm.

"You deserve to die! Wait until we go out and fight a little, whoever has the most martial arts will have the qualifications to pursue the Junior Sister Qin! " The person who spoke previously gritted his teeth.

"Good!" You, Xue Mingyu, are absolutely not my opponent! You are a popinjay, nothing to mention about it. " The man with the stable voice sneered.

At this moment, a light snort came from the front, "Senior brother Hong, Senior brother Xue, what nonsense are you two spouting?"

Hong Tianjing, Xue Mingyu, and the others raised their heads. Only then did they realise that there was a dim light not far ahead, and Qin Yuzhen was currently standing there.

"AHH!" It's the Junior Sister Qin! " Xue Mingyu said blankly.

"Junior Sister Qin, how have you been? So it was you who came here first! I was talking nonsense with Brother Xue just now, so don't take it to heart. " Hong Tianjing cupped his hands, his expression still calm as he said.

"Humph!" Qin Yuzhen snorted.

"Junior Sister Qin, who is this?" Just then, Xue Mingyu saw the teenager beside Qin Yuzhen, and immediately asked.

"That's right, who is this? When I was at Shaolin Temple, I didn't see him! " Hong Tianjing also said.

"This is a good friend that I met in Southern Mountain, his master is an outstanding figure in our sect. His mantras and martial arts are also quite extraordinary. " Qin Yuzhen said.

In Qin Yuzhen's heart, this youth was indeed not simple. When the youth said that "Heaven's Mandate does not love a person", she was confused, but at the same time, felt that there was some truth to it. Later on, the youth displayed his profound martial arts. Later on, the youth's every move gave her the illusion that he was above her, which made her feel extremely astonished. In addition, this youth was Senior Wang's disciple, so it was hard for her to not have a good impression of him. Hence, she used the word "good friend" to describe him.

"Oh? From the looks of it, he was just an ordinary Daoist! "Miss Qin, this is a serious matter. How can we allow outsiders to participate?" When Xue Mingyu heard Qin Yuzhen praise this youth, he immediately felt sour and snorted coldly.

"Yes, Miss Qin!" This Southern Mountain Daoist, we do not know of his background, we absolutely cannot let him participate in this matter! " Hong Tianjing immediately said.

"His master is no small matter, and he is by no means an evil outsider." Qin Yuzhen said.

"Humph!" In my opinion, he is abnormally lowly, and does not amount to much! " Xue Mingyu said coldly.

"Don't say that about him." Qin Yuzhen said.

"All in all, we can't let an unknown person stay here." Hong Tianjing said.

"We should immediately kick him out! No, we should kill him immediately, so as to not let him know our secret! " Xue Mingyu said.

"How can you say such things?" Qin Yuzhen said.

Hong Tianjing and Xue Mingyu both sneered at the youth. They all faintly felt that this youth's appearance was a little familiar, but they did not think too deeply about it! The youth was startled. He had already recognized the identities of these two people. Seeing that they didn't seem to recognize him, he heaved a sigh of relief.

"Miss Qin, your friend is here! Since that's the case, I think my Junior Brother and I will leave this place! " The youth smiled and said.

"But …" Qin Yuzhen opened her mouth, wanting to urge her to stay, but eventually let out a soft sigh.

"Farewell!" The youth laughed loudly.

He brought the little cultivator and left this place. Qin Yuzhen watched his back, and unexpectedly felt a trace of reluctance. She felt a bit guilty. It wasn't appropriate for her to kick him out even though he had helped her so much.

"Humph!" If it wasn't for the fact that Junior Sister Qin knows him, I would definitely have killed him. " Xue Mingyu sneered.

"There's no need to say anymore. Let's continue looking for a path forward!" Qin Yuzhen said indifferently.

The teenager and the young Daoist walked outside. The young Daoist said, "Senior Brother, these two people are really arrogant. They deserve to die!" They actually look down on you! "

The youth said, "They look down on me. That's nothing."

The young Daoist said, "With Senior Brother's identity, is there anyone else in this world who dares to look down on you?"

The youth smiled and said, "There are many extraordinary people in this world. There are also many people who view themselves as extremely high. It's normal for them to look down on me."

The little Daoist stuck out his tongue and said, "I just can't stand them looking down on you."

The youth said with a smile, "Why should we care about the gazes of others?"

After walking for a while, they arrived at the outside of the cave.

The youth took a deep breath and suddenly let out a long whistle.

Just as his long whistle was issued, a figure suddenly appeared on the mountain opposite him! The shadow moved like lightning through the snow. His speed was so fast that it was almost impossible to see with the naked eye! Everywhere he went, the trees in front of him collapsed and a long trench appeared on the ground! He rapidly advanced, and a "path" actually appeared within the mountain forest!

In just a quarter of an hour, he arrived at the bottom of the eastern mountain peak from the top. In another quarter of an hour, he actually rushed into the valley and arrived in front of the youth!

It was only at this moment that he finally stopped. There was no change in his expression, nor was his breathing hurried!

He bowed towards the teenager and said, "This general, Yue Fei, greets your majesty!"

The youth smiled and helped him up, saying: "Big Brother Yue, you have finally come."

Yue Fei looked around in astonishment, and asked: "What kind of place is this?"

The young man said: "Speaking of it, it's really a coincidence, Wang De said that the Jiangnan Martial Lam was restless. These days, many of the Jiangnan Martial Lam s went to the Mount Li area, and the troops under the Emperor Kang s command also went to the Mount Li area. The reason the Jiangnan Martial Lam came to the Guan Shan was to search for the so called treasure of the Qin Shi Huang, and the treasure of the Qin Huang was actually in the valley of the Southern Mountain! "

Yue Fei let out an "Ah", and his face revealed an expression of disbelief.

"I'll send you off, Master. Master said that the extremes will be reversed and the negatives will be negative. This is a great dao of heaven and earth. A few years ago, I was very unlucky. I was chased and poisoned by others, but I didn't encounter such a situation again for the past two years. Now, my luck seems to have arrived. I was sitting in Master's temple when someone actually came to the door and brought me to this treasure trove. I really want to see what kind of things are inside. " The youth laughed.

"His Majesty is the zingiberis radix, under the protection of the myriad gods, how could he possibly have bad luck?" Yue Fei said.

The two of them chatted for a while before a few figures appeared in the distance. These figures dashed over and knelt in front of the youth. They also called out, "Greetings, Your Majesty."

"Very good! All of you are here! Immediately send people to inform the Imperial Guards, get them to surround the mountain, after a short while, the Jiangnan Martial Lam will enter here! Back then, when we were in Shaanxi, we were once chased down by them. This time, I want to catch them all in one fell swoop! " The youth said.

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